This version of LUI is a port of yzLUI to use Cocoa-based graphics instead of Carbon-based graphics, which enables it to be compiled in 64-bit mode, which in turn enables it to run on MacOSX 10.15. It is not "release quality" software, and doubtless has many bugs. Let me know when you find them :-). Apple will most likely helpfully warn you that this program is created by a third party developer and that they won't vouch for its safety. It may be necessary to right-click (or control-click) on and explicitly tell Apple that you want to trust it before you can invoke it through ACE. In principle, there are two ways to use this program. The first is to double-click it like an ordinary OSX application and have it invoke ACE in the background. This will not work for you, as for the moment the path to the ACE executable is hard coded to /Users/sweaglesw/cdev/ace/ace. The second way to use it is to create an executable "yzlui" proxy script that opens it, and invoke ACE from the command-line the usual way -- something like this: $ cat > yzlui #!/bin/bash exec /Applications/ -p ^D $ chmod +x yzlui $ mkdir ~/bin/ $ mv yzlui ~/bin/ $ export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/ $ ace -g mygrammar.dat -l Some sentence to be parsed. [... and if everything is working properly, a LUI window should pop up! ...] You will either need to put the bundle in the /Applications/ folder or change the reference to it above to match its actual location. It may also be necessary to invoke something like this: $ sudo xattr -d ~/bin/yzlui Caveat: the generation chart browser is known to not work at the moment.