block something 13588 411 bad ellipsis_ref_rel 15631 237 resultative with 2 PPs with equal labels (neither modifying the other) crawl something 10793 781 adjectival 'right' modified to act as an sprel 13670 25 adjectival 'left' modified to act as an sprel 10897 776 same as 10793 10964 758 'back' not crawled, get relation: loc_nonsp_rel [why didn't the spatial planner complain?] 11478 51 'to right back corner' should get relation: 'within' (not 'above') 13753 302 'to' modifies 'on' in 'on to' 12154 226 same as 10793 12688 560 would be same as 10793, but wrong parse 15570 768 'light blue' -> 'cyan' 15832 772 same as 10793 treebank incorrect 11639 31 they want 'left side *of* the grey prism", not "left side *on* the grey prism" 12310 1 typo 'botton' -> 'bottom' 12663 849 ungrammatical 'red on from yellow cube' 14109 456 destination mislabeled as modifier 12513 232 annotated 'cube-group' instead of 'cube' 14005 827 cube vs cube-group 17703 228 cube vs cube-group 17545 228 cube vs cube-group 1670 228 cube vs cube-group 13715 469 superfluous id(1) with no anaphor 19982 469 superfluous id(1) with no anaphor 8215 187 superfluous id(1) with no anaphor unclear 1282 81 'block' realized as 'cube-group'... on basis of 'highest'? 16828 516 all blocked / filtered -- likely not enough candidates 1792 227 'move X from on top of Y' -- should work like 'on to X' (which is already a mystery), but doesn't anaphora 13993 367 coreference resolution wrong; move from ID to REF [except it's a type anaphor and semantically is correct both ways...] just plain wrong parse 15528 958 wrong parse 15583 47 wrong parse 18187 364 Pick up the yellow cube and place it one square to the left of the blue cube that is near the back right corner 18338 148 Pick up the red pyramid and place it on the grey cube that is closest to the yellow cubes 18497 304 Move the cyan pyramid from the top of the grey block onto the single, green block.. 18531 934 Place the blue pyramid one square left of the red pyramid 19019 907 Move the blue pyramid two squares back 19364 637 Move the grey block that is near the back edge, over the tower in the bottom left corner. . 19518 825 Move the grey pyramid from the top of the red block over the red tower. 19542 629 Move the yellow block from the top of the green block onto the cyan and red tower, in the top right corner. 19581 261 Move the magenta pyramid over the grey and red tower that is the nearest to the right edge. 20929 49 pick up the green cube closest to the top right corner and move it to the bottom right corner 2392 172 take the light grey brick that is sat on the top of the dark grey brick and place it on the top of the light grey tower. 2599 231 Take the grey pyramid from on top of the yellow and green block and place it on top of the single red block that is next to the blue block. 2719 428 Take the blue brick off the yellow brick and place it on the red brick at the edge of the board. 2768 512 Move yellow box on top of blue box next to yellow pyramid 3488 55 pick the red block above the blue block closest to a corner of the board and put it on the blue block that is closest to the red and grey parallelipiped 3647 123 Pick up the red pyramid and place it on the top of the yellow block which is nearest to the yellow pyramid. 4329 936 Pick red tetrahedron and place it right to the blue tetrahedron 4739 369 Place blue pyramid on light blue cube 6222 230 Pick the grey pyramid from blue cube and place it on light blue cube 6284 379 Pick the yellow tetrahedron which is at the floor 6512 954 Move the red block and place it two square right of red pyramid. 6571 591 Place the cyan pyramid from blue cube and on blue cube opposite tower 6983 783 Place the white cube from red block on blue block at top edge 7252 880 Pick the red tetrahedron which is at the corner and move it left to yellow tetrahedron 7255 627 Move the yellow block on top of red block and place it to top of the red block tower at back right corner. 7296 880 place the left most red tetrahedron just left to the yellow tetrahedron 7321 602 place the yellow block on top of the blue ones 7644 160 pick the yellow tetrahedron which is at the floor and place it on top of pink block 7773 906 Move the blue block on top of the red block and place it to three square forward. 8012 460 Move the green pyramid three square right of board. 8325 818 Move the grey cube one space right 8481 469 Pick up the yellow block and move it to the right top corner of grid. 8487 489 Pick up the blue block from green block and place it on the blue block right to the green block. 8568 802 Pick up the blue prism from green block and place it on the sky blue block left to the green block. 8644 78 Place the grey block left to the red block. 8651 314 Move the blue block on top of red block and place it two square left. 8670 483 Move the gray block to the top of sky blue block right to the yellow prism. 8688 776 Place the red block to two square right to blue block. 8779 489 Pick up blue block from top of green block and put it on blue block right to green block. 8972 702 Pick up the blue block and place it on the gray block just right to the green block. 9100 290 Place sky blue pyramid from green block to top of red block. 9123 331 Take yellow block and put it on nearest red and blue block. 9604 927 pick yellow block and place it on top of blue one which is at the bottom left corner