UW-MRS: SemEval 2014 Task 6 To run the robust or combined systems, you will need a writeable *copy* of the Berkely parser toolset installed in a directory accessible as "../berkelyParser/", and this directory needs to be named 'semeval-2014-task6'. There are ERG parses for the dev and eval data already in this repository. To reparse, look at 'parse.sh' and make sure all the required tools and files are present, then invoke e.g. 'parse.sh eval' or 'parse.sh dev'. The modified copy of the ERG can be found here: http://sweaglesw.org/linguistics/robot-1212.tar.gz To evaluate the MRS-only system with development or evaluation data: $ make dev $ make eval To train the robust system: $ cp Makefile.berkeley ../berkeleyParser/Makefile $ cd to-pst $ make ../../berkeleyParser/rcl.trees $ cd ../../berkeleyParser $ make grammar.pcfgla $ make berkeley-rcl-trees.dev.out.txt $ make berkeley-rcl-trees.eval.out.txt $ cd ../semeval-2014-task6 To evaluate the robust system with development or evaluation data: $ make bdev $ make beval To evaluate the combined system with development or evaluation data: $ make cdev $ make ceval For questions, email me (Woodley Packard): sweaglesw AT sweaglesw.org