19 8 place green pyramid on top of red brick 28 187 place the red pyramid sitting on top of the red brick on top of the yellow one 34 795 Move the blue block on top of the grey block. 78 145 place the blue brick on top of the red brick 409 45 Pick up green pyramid. 827 9 Pick the yellow block on top of the red block and place it on top of the green block. 951 424 Put the yellow pyramid on top of the grey tower. 1173 965 Pick up the blue prism 1206 178 Place yellow prism on top of the red cube 1456 530 Take the green cube standing in the corner of the board and put it on the yellow one 1510 84 Take the red cube and place it in the far right corner of the board 1579 510 place the yellow pyramid on red block 1625 396 pick the red block and put it above the grey block in the corner 1632 630 pick the yellow block above the red and turquoise parallelipiped and put it above the green block closest to the center of the board 1768 57 pick the red block and put it above the purple block 1835 901 Move the yellow pyramid. Place it on the grey block. 1873 963 Pick up the red pyramid 1903 830 Pick up the gray pyramid placed on the green cube and move it on the other green cube 1906 903 Take the yellow block from top of the green block and place it to blue block. 2006 544 Pick up the blue cube placed on top of another blue cube and move it on top of the single green cube 2105 549 pick the red block above the white parallelipiped in the corner and put it above the blue block 2117 810 move the pyramid from the top of the yellow tower on top of the blue one. 2128 968 put the blue block above the red block 2211 596 Drop the green pyramid 2227 603 pick the red block above the turquoise block and put it above the other turquoise block 2255 420 pick the yellow pyramid and put it above the grey parallelipiped 2291 473 pick the red block in the corner and put it above the other red block 2344 296 pick the green block above the grey parallelipiped and put it above the green parallelipiped 2353 187 pick the red pyramid and put it above the yellow block 2541 939 Put red block on top of the green -blue block 2670 723 Move the green block on the left. Place it on the dark blue block on the left. 2709 368 Take the blue block off the red block. Place it on the green block. 2880 994 Place the red pyramid on most left single blue block. 2958 829 pick the grey pyramid above the green and blue parallelipiped and put it above the green and red block 2993 831 pick the grey pyramid above the red and yellow parallelipiped and put it on the red parallelipiped 3019 36 pick the green block above the green, red and yellow parallelipiped and put it above the red and turquoise parallelipiped 3066 585 pick the turquoise pyramid above the blue block and put it above the white and turquoise parallelipiped 3068 893 remove one blue block from the green and blue tower and place it on top of the blue and red tower. 3102 91 pick the grey block on the blue and grey parallelipiped and put it above the green block 3105 605 place the red pyramid on top of the turquoise block. 3168 521 pick up the green block located on top of the blue block and place it on top of the red and yellow tower. 3182 371 pick the blue block and put it above the green block in the corner 3369 430 Pick up the pink block which is on top of red block , and put that on top of sky blue block 3385 745 place the blue pyramid on top of the blue block. 3404 563 pick up the green block that is closest to you. 3507 178 Drop he yellow prism to the top of red block 3524 721 pick the left most red block and place it over the blue one which is at the center. 3558 964 put the red pyramid on the red block 3583 113 pick the purple pyramid near the centre of the board 3692 905 pick the blue block on the margin of the board and put it above the red block on the margin of the board 3731 216 Take the red triangle and put in on the single green cube. 3737 416 pick the red block above the red and blue parallelipiped and put it above the white block 3846 705 pick the blue block on the yellow block and put it on the red and yellow block 3896 504 Place the yellow pyramid on top of green block 3946 71 Pick the yellow block which is at the center and place it on the left bottom corner. 3984 607 Move the yellow prism on top of the yellow block 4044 973 Pick up the blue block 4110 498 Drop the pyramid down 4132 313 Pick the blue block and place it on to red block. 4135 182 Put the block you're holding on the single red block. 4433 371 place blue block on top of the single green block. 4638 177 pick the yellow pyramid above the red and blue parallelipiped 4680 565 Pick up the green cube which is almost centre 4681 913 pick the white block on the blue parallelipiped in the corner and put it above the red and green parallelipiped closest to the center of the board 4799 608 Move the yellow pyramid on top of the blue cubes 4899 510 Drop yellow pyramid to above red cube 5003 964 Drop the red pyramid 5114 951 Pick up the green block and place that on top of the nearest red block 5139 485 move the white block on top of the turquoise block that is closer to the left edge. 5153 592 Move the pyramid placed on the blue cube and place it on top of the other blue cube 5207 429 Move the pink cube on top of the red cube 5210 428 place the blue block on top of the red and blue block next to the edge. 5255 425 Move the blue cube on top of the red cube 5332 729 Pick up the green block and put that on top of the blue block 5478 675 pick up the sky blue prism and place on top of the nearest green block 5621 369 place the blue pyramid on top of the turquoise block. 5630 209 Move hte pyramid on the single blue cube 5649 708 move the red block on top of the yellow block. 5658 425 place the blue block on top of the red block. 5787 706 Pick up the blue cube placed on a red cube and move it on top of the single yellow cube 5793 939 place the red cube on top of the blue cube closest to you 5883 802 Pick up the blue pyramid placed on top of the green cube and move it on the turquoise cube 5964 678 Pick up the pink pyramid placed on top of the blue cube and move it on the yellow cube 6052 278 Place the magenta pyramid on the cyan tower. 6081 424 Take the yellow triangle and place it on top of the dark grey block 6091 302 Take the cyan pyramid on the yellow cube and place it on the green cube. 6099 171 Place one white cube atop the grey cube. 6135 970 Drop the green cube 6165 763 Pick up the green cube 6228 253 place the blue pyramid on red cube on right 6327 761 Pick the blue block 6530 749 Pick up red prism and place that on top of blue block 6578 854 Pick up the red block on grey block and place that on top of the green block 6701 933 Place the blue pyramid on red cube at left bottom corner 6758 711 Move the blue block on top of the yellow block and place it to top of the green and blue block. 6772 153 Place yellow pyramid from cyan block to grey cube 6805 506 Put yellow pyramid on red cube 6915 89 Move the red block on top of the green block. 6946 395 Place red cube on blue cube which is on left botton corner 6974 227 Place the grey pyramid from red cube on green cube 7003 545 Place white pyramid on blue cube 7050 369 Pick up the dark blue pyramid and place that on top of sky blue cube 7192 101 Pick the red block and place it on the top left corner 7210 23 Pick the gray tetrahedron 7226 739 hold the cyan tetrahedron 7335 497 pick the blue tetrahedron 7374 627 Take the yellow cube from red cube and place it on red block at right bottom corner 7401 604 Place red cube from cyan cube on other cyan cube 7443 729 Place green cube on blue cube 7508 129 Place red cube on top left corner 7564 510 pick the yellow tetrahedron and place it on top of the red block 7594 245 pick the cyan tetrahedron and place it on top of the yellow block a which is at the top right corner 7618 75 pick the grey cube from right 7630 169 Place yellow cube on blue cube 7683 178 Place yellow pyramid on red cube 7711 158 pick the yellow tetrahedron which is on top of red block and place it on top of the green block 7714 964 put the red pyramid on red block. 7722 436 Move the magenta pyramid on top of grey block and place it on to nearest yellow block. 7759 205 Move the green pyramid on top of blue block and place it on to the another blue block. 7775 625 place yellow cube from blue cube on red block at top left corner 7873 299 Place cyan pyramid from white cube on blue cube 7879 703 Place blue cube on red cube at centre 7926 663 move the yellow block in the center on top the yellow block in the corner 7936 676 put cyan pyramid on yellow cube 7961 502 drop the pyramid 8005 960 Move the red pyramid and place it two square left of red block. 8091 582 move the pink pyramid to the top of yellow block 8097 751 move the green pyramid to the top of yellow block 8115 169 move the yellow cube to the top of blue cube 8127 280 put the pink pyramid on the top of the cyan stack. 8151 769 Take green cube and put it on the top of blue cube. 8490 275 Pick up the purple prism and place it on the gray block near to the left bottom corner. 8505 341 Pick up the blue block from green block. 8589 969 Pick up the green block. 8592 934 Place the blue pyramid just left to the red pyramid. 8658 747 Move yellow pyramid and place it on top of yellow block. 8661 661 Pick up the green block from the board center and put it on another green block. 8700 985 Hold red block nearest to top left corner. 8728 26 Move Magenta pyramid and place it on top of the red block at bottom left corner. 8843 711 Pick up blue block from the top of yellow block and put it on the top of green-blue block stick. 8867 31 Place purple prism on blue block left to the gray prism. 8869 929 move the blue pyramid one square left 8893 831 move the grey pyramid which on the top of red-yellow block and place it on the top of red blocks 8953 41 Pick up yellow pyramid. 8956 899 place yellow pyramid to the top of blue block 8997 926 move the blue cube from the top of red cube to the top of red cubes in the bottom left corner 9071 974 Place the blue block on single red block. 9115 852 Pick up the red block from gray block and place it on top of blue block. 9174 597 Pick up green prism of nearest to right bottom corner. 9195 484 Pick up grey cube and place it to on the top of red cube at the top left corner. 9216 725 Pick up green block nearest to right top corner and place it on blue block nearest to right bottom corner. 9222 671 Pick up blue prism which is nearest to the bottom. 9263 363 Take the yellow block and put it on top of blue block at top left corner. 9272 822 move the yellow pyramid to the top of red cubes on far left corner 9278 419 move the yellow pyramid to the top of blue-green-red tower 9300 900 move the pyramid to the top of green blocks 9319 659 pick up the red block from the center and place it on the red block in the corner 9335 64 Move magenta block to two square left from magenta pyramid. 9385 279 move pink pyramid to the far left corner 9517 216 Move the pyramid on top of the single green cube 9527 705 Pick up the blue cube placed on top of the yellow cube and move it on the red cube 9539 765 pick the red block 9551 803 pick cyan tetrahedron and place it on top of yellow block 9575 775 Place red block on top of green one. 9600 963 pick the red tetrahedron 9602 478 Move the turquoise pyramid on the green cube 9629 476 pick gray block and place it on the top right corner 9674 886 pick the blue block and place it on top of red block 9690 856 Pick up the red block from the grey block and put it on the yellow block. 9753 989 Pick up red block near to bottom. 9810 961 Pick up the blue cube closer to the left 9912 192 move the turquoise pyramid on top of the turquoise cube 9925 287 pick up the blue cube closer to the left 9944 793 move the blue cube on top of the green cube 9966 296 pick up the green cube placed on top of the gray cube and move it on top of the green cube 10008 16 pick up the green cube placed on top of the gray cube and move it on top of the green cube 10035 897 Move yellow pyramid over the white cube 10116 97 move the gray cube on top of the white cube 10250 497 Pick up the blue pyramid. 10272 580 move cyan pyramid at the top of yellow block 10280 608 move the yellow pyramid on top of the blue cube 10431 129 move the red cube on the top left corner 10434 938 move the blue cube on the green cube closest to the back left corner 10466 980 drop the blue cube 10481 615 move the red cube on top of the green cube closest to the back right corner 10490 599 pick up the pyramid closest to the top right corner 10530 25 move the pink pyramid on the left side of the yellow pyramid placed on the blue cube 10536 499 pick up the red pyramid 10615 487 Place blue block to top of green block. 10631 413 move the grey pyramid to the top of red-green block 10664 235 Pick up blue block near to white block. 10673 605 Place red prism on top of sky blue block. 10699 135 Pick up grey block nearest to right top corner and place it on left bottom corner. 10746 292 Place purple prism on top of red block. 10761 706 Pick up blue block from top of red block and place it on yellow block nearest to left top corner. 10829 423 Place yellow prism on top of blue block nearest to right top corner. 10912 618 move the red pyramid from the top of yellow block to the top of grey blocks near the left edge 10974 275 Move the pyramid three squares backwards 11034 265 move the yellow block to the top of red block which is near the center of the board 11038 652 drop the green cube 11066 206 Pick up the green pyramid placed on top of the blue cube and move it on the blue cube closest to the corner 11106 794 Move the blue cube on top of the white cube 11129 605 move the red pyramid and place it on the cyan block 11141 593 pick the pyramid which is near the far left corner 11159 987 pick the pyramid which is near the top edge 11163 698 move the red block to the top of yellow-blue-grey tower 11213 649 pick up the green cube closest to the left back corner 11270 586 pick up the pyramid closest to the right and move it on the blue cube closest to the left 11336 650 Slowly lower the green block on top of the yellow tower underneath . 11386 993 pick up the red pyramid which is near the top left corner 11412 975 pick up the red cube 11415 591 Pick up the pyramid closest to the back and place it on the blue cube closest to the right 11442 988 drop the red pyramid 11454 767 pick up the turquoise cube 11463 898 move the prism on top of the green cube 11505 541 pick up the red cube closest to the top and place it on top of the red cube 11517 893 pick up the blue cube placed on top of the blue cube and move it on top of the red cube placed on the blue cube 11550 155 pick up the prism placed on the pink cube and move it on the red cube 11566 911 move the blue prism on top of the blue cube closest to the right 11569 747 move the yellow prism on top of the yellow cube 11606 971 pick up the yellow cube 11615 752 move the green prism two squares backwards 11618 668 drop the red prism 11624 8 move the prism on top of the red cube 11693 351 pick up the cube in the right top corner and move it on the red cube 11702 676 move the turquoise prism on top of the yellow cube 11731 498 drop the blue prism 11758 6 pick up the blue cube closest to the top and move it on the blue cube 11841 220 pick up the blue cube placed on another blue cube and move it on top of the yellow cube 11962 572 pick up the prism placed on the yellow cube and move it on the right top corner 11975 989 pick up the cube closest to the back 12045 657 pick the blue block which is near to center and place it on top of blue block 12061 59 Place pink cube on red cube 12070 278 Place pink pyramid on cyan tower 12149 769 Place green cube on blue cube 12193 218 Place blue cube from pink cube on yellow cube left to white cube 12205 561 Pick up the green cube near top left corner 12217 518 pick green tetrahedron and place it on top of blue block 12280 423 pick yellow tetrahedron and place it on top of blue block which is near to top right corner 12314 336 Place white cube on red block near right 12327 467 Place the yellow block in the top left corner 12340 809 place cyan pyramid from blue block on yellow block 12387 89 Place red cube on green cube 12479 412 Place the grey pyramid on top of the red and yellow stack of blocks. 12581 938 pick the the blue block above the blue yellow tower and put it above the green block closest to the left back corner 12645 927 Move the yellow block from the top of the green tower to the top of the red-blue tower in the bottom left corner 12777 796 Place blue cube on white cube 12826 829 Place grey pyramid from green cube on other green cube 12845 66 move the yellow cube on the blue cube placed closest to the left top corner 12915 979 Pick up the blue cube 12921 420 Place the yellow pyramid on top of the grey slab. 13013 661 Place green cube from centre on bottom right corner 13046 711 move the blue block from the yellow cube over the green-blue block 13091 235 Pick up the blue cube left to white cube 13149 423 Place the yellow pyramid on top of the white, green, and blue slab. 13173 438 Move the purple pyramid from the top of the grey block to the top of the yellow block. 13182 796 Place the blue block on top of the white block. 13217 932 Move red pyramid one square left 13249 38 Place green cube from right on red cube 13294 23 Pick up grey pyramid 13295 643 pick the grey block closest to the left top corner 13426 663 Place yellow cube from centre on yellow cube at top right corner 13492 988 Place the red pyramid on the floor. 13504 796 Place the blue block on top of the white block. 13552 486 Place white block on top right corner 13704 242 Place cyan pyramid on top left corner 13745 976 Lower the red block on top of the other red block. 13764 778 Move a white block on the left top corner 13768 244 Place the blue-sky pyramid in the left top corner 13853 471 Place the yellow block in the bottom right corner. 14020 776 Place the red block two squares to the right of the blue block. 14031 703 Place the blue block on top of the grey, yellow, and red stack of blocks. 14087 397 Place the turquoise pyramid on top of the green block on the left edge. 14090 406 Place the yellow pyramid on top of the blue block. 14122 731 Place the blue block on top of the green block. 14157 143 pick red tetrahedron which is on top of white block and place it on top of blue block 14356 523 pick up the red cube placed on the green cube and move in on top of the yellow cube closest to the top 14420 733 Put the grey cube over the green one 14444 735 move the gray cube on top of the blue cube 14489 959 Move the red pyramid over the red cube 14546 86 move the red cube on the right top corner 14564 363 move the yellow cube in the left top corner 14582 295 move the green cube on the gray cube closest to the top 14624 510 Move the yellow prism on top of the green-red tower 14657 665 pick up the red prism closest to the left 14666 474 Move one red cube from the red tower in the top left corner 14738 671 pick up the blue prism closest to the back 14759 346 move the red cube on the white cube 14762 329 pick up the blue cube placed on the red cube and move it on the yellow cube 14777 550 move the red cube on the right top corner 14789 922 Move the blue cube from the top of the green-red tower on top of the yellow tower 14798 769 move the green cube on the blue cube 14825 965 Pick up the blue pyramid 14886 817 Move the single grey block over the single blue block 14898 21 Pick up the yellow block 14963 995 pick up the red cube closest to the left 14966 423 move the prism on the blue cube closest to the right top corner 14987 626 pick up the cube in the left top corner and move it on the blue cube closest to the back 14996 883 move the gray cube on the green cube 15011 881 move the prism on the green cube 15014 505 move the prism on the blue cube closest to the left 15077 501 pick up the cyan prism 15080 959 move the prism on the cube 15086 965 pick up the blue prism 15089 745 move the blue prism on the blue cube 15119 87 move the red cube on the left top corner 15146 251 move the prism on the green cube closest to the right 15161 391 pick up the cyan prism placed on the white cube 15179 950 move the blue cube one square backwards 15191 986 drop the cube 15233 248 move the cyan prism on the left top corner 15242 810 pick up the prism placed on the yellow cube and move it on the blue cube 15295 171 pick white block and place it on top of gray block 15316 620 pick red tetrahedron which is on top of green block and place it on top of blue block 15394 459 move the green prism 3 squares to the left of the board 15411 796 pick blue block and place it on top of white block which is near to top left corner 15426 437 Take the magenta pyramid sitting on the yellow block and put it on top of the grey block near the back. 15456 288 drop the blue block 15484 251 Move the pyramid onto the green block on the right. 15516 77 Pick the left gray block 15537 946 pick gray block which is on top of yellow block and place it 1 step forward 15561 501 pick the cyan tetrahedron 15619 928 pick the yellow block above the blue-red tower and put it above the green tower 15620 565 pick green block which is near to bottom right corner 15701 347 pick the grey block above the yellow purple tower and put it above the yellow-red-turquoise tower 15706 407 pick the yellow prism and put it above the red-green tower closest to the left back corner 15784 656 drop the turquoise block 15787 661 pick green block from the center and place it on top of green block 15810 807 move the blue block above the grey block 15829 606 pick the red prism and put it on the white tower 15854 214 pick red tetrahedron and place it on top of single green block 15931 551 move white block on top of green block 15936 129 move the red block in the left top corner 15958 561 pick the green block closest to the left top corner 15962 856 pick the red block above the grey block and put it on the yellow block 16027 707 pick the red block above the yellow block and put it on the yellow-green tower 16042 510 pick the yellow prism and put it above the red-green tower 16063 394 pick the green block in the corner and put it on the grey tower 16084 865 pick the red block above the white block and put it on the green block 16096 383 pick the yellow prism on the red block 16138 738 drop the red prism 16144 22 drop the yellow block 16147 751 move the green prism 2 squares forward above the yellow block 16174 729 pick the green block and put it on the blue block 16180 479 pick the yellow prism and put it on the grey block in the right top corner 16190 75 pick the grey block from the right of the red block 16223 186 pick the turquoise prism and put it above the turquoise block 16289 605 pick the red prism above the white tower and put it above the single turquoise block 16292 90 pick the red block above the green block and put it 2 squares to the left of the green prism 16301 671 pick the blue prism closest to the back row 16328 894 pick the blue block above the red-blue tower and put it on the blue-green tower 16334 849 pick the red block above the yellow block and put it on the grey block in the left back corner 16381 584 pick the turquoise prism and put it above the single yellow block 16432 244 move the cyan prism on the left top corner 16495 767 pick the cyan block 16576 155 pick yellow tetrahedron which is on top of pink pillar and place it on top of red block 16648 773 Place the blue block over the yellow block. 16686 798 Move the green block on top of the nearest white block. 16727 486 Place the white block over the red block in the top right corner. 16781 996 Place the red block over the single blue block. 16782 418 move yellow tetrahedron on top of gray block 16818 772 move yellow block 2 steps forward 16886 292 pick pink tetrahedron and place it on top of red block 16896 533 pick yellow tetrahedron which is on top of red and green pillar and place it on top of blue and green pillar 16900 928 Shift the yellow block over the green tower. 16901 496 pick blue block which is on top of blue block and place it just left to single red block 16915 773 move blue block on top of yellow block 16969 896 pick red block which is on top of another red block and place it on top of green block 16992 371 Place the blue block over the single green block. 17025 313 Place the blue block over the red block. 17073 229 Move the grey pyramid from the top of the turquoise block on top of the blue block. 17079 61 Place the purple pyramid over the red block. 17185 553 Pick up the yellow block from above the blue block. 17199 773 put the blue cube on the yellow cube 17217 983 Pick up the green pyramid. 17248 452 drop the yellow cube 17283 342 drop the blue cube 17289 251 move the prism on the green cube closest to the right 17311 85 move the red cube on the green cube closest to the right top corner 17349 407 move the prism on the green cube closest to the bottom left corner 17393 599 Pick up the green pyramid that is closest to the right edge 17412 773 Place the blue cube on the yellow cube 17427 190 move the gray prism on the gray cube 17434 218 Take the blue cube that is on the pink cube and place it on the yellow cube 17443 866 pick up the red cube placed on the green cube and move it on the white cube 17451 310 pick up the cyan prism placed on the green cube and move it in the botton right corner 17454 738 drop the red prism 17460 221 pick up the red cube in the top left corner and move it in the bottom right corner 17467 301 pick up the prism placed on the green cube closest to the left and move it on the closest yellow cube 17472 850 pick up the cube in the botton left corner and move it on the yellow cube 17497 741 Pick up the blue pyramid. 17639 607 Place the yellow pyramid over the yellow block. 17688 47 Pick up the blue pyramid that is closest to the bottom right corner and place it one space above the yellow pyramid 17746 89 Place the red block over the green block. 17797 813 Move a yellow cube onto the green cube. 17826 607 Place the yellow pyramid onto the yellow block. 17840 367 Move the blue block from the top of the green block onto the red block. 17851 389 Pick up the magenta pyramid. 17917 490 Pick up the blue cube closest to you and place it on the green cube closest to the left edge 17950 347 Pick up the grey cube that is on the yellow cube and place it on the yellow red and cyan tower 17986 41 Pick up the yellow pyramid. 18026 511 Pick up the yellow cube and place it on the single blue cube 18062 21 Pick up the yellow cube 18082 494 Pick up the red cube that is on a blue cube and place it on the blue cube that is closest to the top right corner 18139 932 Move the red pyramid one square to the left 18179 559 Pick up the green cube 18211 363 Place the yellow block onto the blue block in the far left corner. 18259 331 Pick up the yellow cube and place it on the blue and red stack 18313 841 Pick up the yellow pyramid that is closer to the right edge and place it on the red cube 18314 795 move the blue cube on top of the gray cube 18353 180 Drop the pyramid 18386 398 Move the pyramid onto the white block 18396 338 Drop the cube 18399 646 Drop the cube 18411 927 Pick up the yellow cube and place it in the back left corner 18417 987 Pick up the pyramid that is closer to the top edge 18432 594 Drop the pyramid 18450 769 Place the green cube on the blue cube 18465 378 Place the yellow pyramid over the blue block. 18645 26 Place the magenta pyramid into the bottom left corner. 18764 357 move the cube on the bottom right corner 18782 413 move the prism on the red cube closest to the right 18835 205 pick up the green prism placed on the blue cube and move it on the blue cube closest to the right 18840 582 Place the pink pyramid on the yellow cube 18892 229 pick up the prism placed on the cyan cube and move it on the blue cube 18902 408 move the prism on the blue cube 18911 727 Pick up the red cube that is closest to the right edge and place it on the cyan cube that is closest to the left edge 18914 363 Pick up the yellow cube and place it in the top left corner 18933 557 Pick up the blue cube that is closest to the back left corner 18995 116 Drop the cyan pyramid 19067 365 Put the green pyramid in the top left corner 19145 731 move the blue cube on the green cube 19172 34 move the green cube on the red cube 19247 299 Move the cyan pyramid from the top of the white block onto the blue block. 19259 916 Move the white block from the top of the green and red tower onto the blue tower. 19280 369 Place the blue pyramid onto the cyan block. 19319 810 Pick up the cyan pyramid from on top of the yellow tower and place it over the blue tower. 19337 457 Move the green block into the bottom left corner. 19367 465 Move the yellow block into the bottom left corner. 19381 413 Place the grey pyramid over the green and red tower. 19458 679 Move the magenta pyramid that is the closest to the bottom right corner, onto the blue block on the left. 19476 606 Move the red pyramid from the top of the cyan block onto the white tower. 19590 310 Pick up the cyan pyramid that is on top of the green block and place it over the white tower in the bottom right corner. 19614 494 Pick up the red block from above the blue and red blocks, and place it over the blue block that is near the top right corner. 19623 546 Move the white pyramid over the red tower in the bottom left corner. 19752 805 Move the grey block onto the green block that is next to the cyan block. 19849 334 Pick up the cyan block that is located on top of the red and blue tower. Place it into the top left corner. 19899 791 move the gray cube closest to the right in the bottom right corner 19926 398 move the prism on the white cube 19939 88 Move the red block into the top right corner. 19985 2 move the prism on the red cube 20003 992 drop the prism 20045 648 drop the cube 20063 643 pick up the gray cube closest to the top 20090 877 move the green prism two squares backwards 20114 229 pick up the prism placed on the cyan cube and move it on the blue cube 20144 975 pick up the red cube 20159 553 pick up the yellow cube placed on the blue cube 20177 838 move the yellow cube one square backwards 20225 154 pick up the prism placed on the grey cube and move it on the cyan cube 20285 783 pick up the cube in the bottom left corner and move it on the blue cube closest to the right 20294 446 move the red cube on the grey cube 20330 172 pick up the white cube placed on the grey cube and move it on the white cubes 20345 355 move the cube in the top right corner 20348 87 move the red cube in the top left corner 20360 338 drop the cube 20381 643 pick up the grey cube closest to the top 20402 74 drop the cube 20453 962 drop the cube 20486 398 move the prism on the white cube 20492 698 move the red cube on the yellow cube 20507 346 move the red cube on the white cube 20537 816 pick up the prism placed in the bottom left corner and move it on the blue cube 20540 445 move the red cube in the bottom left corner 20552 870 pick up the pink prism placed on the red cube and move it on the cyan cube 20555 277 move the prism in the bottom right corner 20558 145 move the blue cube on the red cube 20599 849 pick up the red cube placed on the yellow cube and move it in the bottom left corner 20632 78 drop the cube 20656 340 drop the cube 20671 413 move the prism on the red green tower 20695 998 drop the cube 20710 292 move the pink prism on the red cube 20719 558 drop the cube 20725 659 move the red cube placed in the center on the other red cube 20794 5 move the blue cube in front of the green prism 20800 814 pick up the yellow cube placed on the green cube and move it on the yellow cube 20803 814 pick up the yellow cube placed on the green cube and move it on the yellow cubes 20806 406 move the prism on the blue cube 20854 764 drop the cube 20896 530 move the single green cube on the yellow cube 20926 169 move the yellow cube on the blue cube 20932 914 pick up the white cube placed on the red cube and move it on the blue cube 20950 36 move the green cube on the red cube 20974 992 drop the prism 20980 387 pick up the blue prism 20989 83 move the red cube on the green cube closest to the bottom left corner 21016 239 pick up the green cube 21109 830 pick up the prism placed on the green cube and move it on the other green cube 21142 763 pick up the green cube