10309 605 Place the red prism on the top of blue sky block. all compound_rel -> get color wrong, sprel wrong -> fail 10358 245 Move the blue-sky pyramid in the top right corner all compound_rel -> no parse 10475 47 pick up the blue pyramid closest to the back right corner and move it on front of the yellow pyramid drop destination filtered -> seq vs event 10568 75 pick up the gray cube placed on the right side of the red cube untranslated "_side_n_1_rel" -> missing sprel 10606 304 Move the blue-sky pyramid from the top of the grey block over the single green block all compound_rel -> no parse 10646 92 move the grey block at the top of blue-grey combination tower all compound_rel -> no parse 10659 36 move one green block to the top red-cyan block move destination filtered -> wrong sprel 10686 407 Place yellow prism on top of green block nearest to left bottom corner. all compound_rel -> missing sprel 10771 711 Pick up blue block from top of yellow block and place it on top of green blue block tower. all compound_rel or 'pick' with modifier 'block tower' -> no parse 10793 781 Pick up white block from top of blue block and place it on red block right to red white block tower. all compound_rel or 'pick' with modifier -> no parse 'block tower' 10846 337 Pick up blue block nearest to left bottom corner. all compound_rel -> missing sprel 10867 605 Place red prism on top of sky blue block. all compound_rel -> wrong sprel, wrong color 1090 153 Move the yellow tetrahedron from the top of the turquoise building block to the top of the grey building block. all compound_rel or 'move' with 2 modifiers 'building block'?? -> correct (!?) 10991 51 move the red block from the top of red-grey combination tower and place it on yellow block in bottom right corner all compound_rel 'combination tower'?? -> seq vs. event 1111 503 Remove the yellow pyramid from the board. untranslated "_board_n_of_rel" 11639 31 move the pink prism on the left side on the gray prism untranslated "_side_n_1_rel" -> wrong sprel 11777 302 pick un the prism placed on the yellow cube and move it on the green cube all named_n_rel 11782 659 pick un the red cube closest to the top and move it on the left back corner all named_n_rel or compound_rel 11902 77 pick up the gray cube placed on the left side of the red cube untranslated "_side_n_1_rel" -> missing sprel 12114 391 pick cyan pyramid from white cube at right edge lots of 'take' with modifier; one 'take' filtered (why?) -> missing sprel 12175 997 Take red cube from blue block at right side lots of 'take' with modifier; untranslated "_side_n_1_rel" -> missing sprel 12453 872 Move the pink pyramid from the top of the blue block over the blue-sky block lots of compound_rel; one 'move' with 2 modifiers -> wrong sprel, missing color 12515 676 Move the blue-sky pyramid over the yellow block all compound_rel -> no parse 'blue-sky' 12960 247 Place cyan pyramid on green cube nearest to top right corner all compound_rel -> missing sprel 13302 379 Pick up the yellow pyramid from the ground untranslated "_ground_n_1_rel" 13676 233 Take blue cube nearest to you no parse -> no good reason; something broken about the bare NP rule 1389 591 Take the light blue prism from the blue cube and put it on the other blue cube. take object filtered 14359 75 pick up the gray cube placed on the right side of the red cube untranslated "_side_n_1_rel" 14552 367 pick uo the blue cube placed on the green cube and move it on the red cube forbidden subord_rel, no ARG2 on '_pick_v_1_rel' TYPO 14805 242 Move the blue-sky prism on the top left corner all compound_rel -> all leave_v_transfer_rel 15131 31 move the pink prism on the left side of the gray prism 15170 31 move the pink prism on the left side of the gray prism 15446 717 Move red block 2 steps forward 15558 951 pick green block and place it on top of nearest red block 15648 954 pick the red block and put it 2 squares to the right of the red prism 15781 602 pick yellow block which is on top of re block and move it on top of blue block 16090 55 pick the red block closest to the right top corner and put it 2 squares to the left 16933 427 pick left most blue block and place it on top of nearest yellow block 16942 421 pick yellow tetrahedron and place it on top of nearest blue block 17013 330 Pick up the blue block that is closest to the left edge and place it over the red tower opposite. 17812 812 Pick up the cyan pyramid near the back and place it directly right of the green cube. 17823 478 Move the turquoise pyramid onto the all green stack. 17839 394 Take the green cube that sits on a blue cube and move it onto the all-grey stack. 18034 823 Pick up the blue pyramid and place it on the red and grey cube stack 18497 304 Move the cyan pyramid from the top of the grey block onto the single, green block.. 18707 78 Place the grey block on the left side of the red block. 18962 31 move the pink prism on the left side of the gray prism 19346 871 Move the magenta pyramid that is the closest to the left edge onto the blue block. 19364 637 Move the grey block that is near the back edge, over the tower in the bottom left corner. . 19542 629 Move the yellow block from the top of the green block onto the cyan and red tower, in the top right corner. 19581 261 Move the magenta pyramid over the grey and red tower that is the nearest to the right edge. 19976 782 pick up the white cube closest to the right and move in the top left corner 20761 872 pick up the pink prism placed on the blue cube and move in on the cyan cube 21061 849 pick up the red cube placed on the yellow cube and move to the bottom left corner 2142 102 move the red block on top of the red and grey stack. 2771 739 Pick up the Sky Blue pyramid. 2832 101 take the red block located on top of the light grey block and place it in the far left corner. 3282 917 pick up the grey block located on top of the blue tower near the left edhe and place it on top of the red and green tower that is nearest to you. 3287 274 Place pink pyramid on top of sky blue block. 3550 535 Pick up yellow prism which is on top of blue-green tower and place that on top of smallest red-green block 3698 584 pick the sky blue pyramid and place it on top of yellow block 3861 252 Pick blue pyramid and place it 2 grid in front of the left most green block 3974 8 Pick the green pyramid and place on the red cube 4028 415 Move the red block, which is on top of the white block, on top of the red block, which is on top of the blue block 4042 432 Place the blue cube on red cube left edge 4054 519 Move the yellow prism on top of the red block, which is next to the red prism 4073 698 Move the red block, which is on top of the red block, on top of the yellow block, which is on top of the blue block 4280 545 pick up the grey pyramid and place it on top of the blue brick. 4494 292 Pick up the pink pyramid and place it on red cub 4674 487 Move the blue brick and place on top of the green brick. 5040 237 grab hold of the blue block located next to the green block. 5064 490 Pick up the blue cube placed on top of another blue cube and move it on the green cube closer to the border of the board 5315 95 Pick up the pyramid closest the the border and move it on top of the gray cube 5414 879 pick up the red pyramid that is closet to the green blocks and place it on top of the green tower in the far left corner. 5494 398 pick up the sky blue prism and place that on the white block 5558 299 pick up the sky blue prism which is on top of white block and place that on top of blue block 5655 828 remove the grey pyramid on top of the red and green block and place on top of the single red block. 5682 290 Pick up sky blue pyramid on green slab and place that on top of the red block 5946 260 place the pink pyramid on the pile of green and blue cubes 6054 153 Take the yellow triangle from the top of the light blue tower and place on top of the dark grey square 6108 95 Pick up the red pyramid from the right side and place it on top of the gray cube 6225 849 pick the red cube from yellow cube and place it on grey cube that on bottom left corner 6305 299 Pick up sky blue prism which is on top of white block and place that on top of blue block 6384 705 Move the blue block on top of the yellow block and place it on top of nearest yellow and red block 6464 829 Move the grey pyramid on top of the blue and green block and place it to on top of red and green block opposite. 6512 954 Move the red block and place it two square right of red pyramid. 6751 300 Move sky blue pyramid on top of the blue block and place it to on white block. 7089 35 Pick up the green block which is on top of sky blue-red block and place this on top of the green block 7249 848 Pick the red block an move it 1 step forward 7255 627 Move the yellow block on top of red block and place it to top of the red block tower at back right corner. 7364 160 Move the single yellow pyramid and place it to top of the magenta block tower 7389 79 move left most gray block 1 step forward 7483 191 pick the cyan tetrahedron an place it on top of yellow block 7539 515 move the white pyramid that on green block and place it on the yellow block that is initially on red block 7644 160 pick the yellow tetrahedron which is at the floor and place it on top of pink block 7768 601 pick the yellow block and place it on top of nearest red block 7773 906 Move the blue block on top of the red block and place it to three square forward. 7813 275 pick pink tetrahedron and place it o top of gray block which is near to robot 7967 668 Just drop the red pyramid exactly below 8203 596 just put the pyramid here 8371 237 Take the blue block which beside the green block. 8466 739 Pick up the sky blue pyramid. 8568 802 Pick up the blue prism from green block and place it on the sky blue block left to the green block. 8571 274 Place the purple pyramid on the sky blue tower. 8619 191 Pick up the sky blue prism and place it on the top of yellow block. 8651 314 Move the blue block on top of red block and place it two square left. 8670 483 Move the gray block to the top of sky blue block right to the yellow prism. 8673 419 Place the yellow prism to top of blue-green-red block stick. 8694 667 Grab red pyramid nearest to top left corner. 8703 310 Pick up sky blue pyramid from top of green block and place it to top of white block at right bottom corner. 8806 302 Move the sky blue pyramid on top of yellow block and place it to on top of single green block. 8931 531 Pick up yellow pyramid from top of red green block tower and place it on top of yellow green tower. 8946 591 Pick up sky blue pyramid from top of blue block and place it on top of other blue block. 9081 504 Place the yellow pyramid on top of yellow and double green block tower. 9100 290 Place sky blue pyramid from green block to top of red block. 9105 816 Take the sky blue pyramid on bottom left corner and put it on top of the blue block tower. 9108 97 Take the grey block and put it on top of nearest grey white tower. 9192 725 Pick up green cube nearest to top right corner and place it on the top of blue cube which is nearest to right bottom corner. 9198 625 Pick up yellow block from top of blue block and place it on top of red blue block tower. 9284 897 Move yellow pyramid from top of green block tower and place it to top of single white block. 9317 591 Take the sky blue pyramid from top of blue block and put it on green and blue block. 9585 177 pick nearest yellow tetrahedron 9644 791 Pick up the grey block and right to the white grey block tower and put it on the top of green white block tower. 9665 276 Take the pink pyramid and place it on top of the blue-sky tower. 9708 592 Take sky blue pyramid on top of blue block and place it on top of another blue block. 9797 880 Take red pyramid on top of green block and place it to left of yellow pyramid. 9845 771 Take yellow block and put in on red block. 9882 505 Take yellow pyramid and place it on top of the most left red greed blue block tower.