Woodley's Website

Astrophotography is a hobby I've been pursuing for the last few years. Here are some of my photos.
This is the statistics startup company that Steven Stanek and I are putting together. Go check it out!
Motion Blur
A digital photography/astronomy research project for CS448A at Stanford. A collaboration between Steven Stanek and myself.
Flash Cards
A free online system for making and studying flashcard decks.
A general game player for CS227B at Stanford. Created collaboratively by Adam Berger, and Dave Orr, and myself.
Musical Compositions
Various MIDI and MP3 encodings of some of my classical-style compositions.
An operating system for PowerPC coauthored by Darrick Wong and myself, with help from all the nerds.
A graphical user interface for visualizing linguistical structures in the HPSG framework.
A lightweight platform-independent windowing API.
Lost at Sea
A special-purpose raytracer designed to render a single scene very realistically; fairly convincing! Coauthored by Dmitry Belogolovsky and myself.
Sea Breeze V
First-person 3D adventure game in the (microscopically) multiplayer online role-playing genre.
Snarbleon 2
Marble-rolling "Tron"-like game, on topologically nontrivial surfaces.
Siege of Troy
A lush 3D realtime strategy game with a unique first-person twist. The scenario: the Battle of Troy. Coauthored by Dmitry Belogolovsky and myself.

Miscellaneous stuff: SF Museums